Sunday, November 29

Bang! Bang!! Bangalore!!!

I moved to Bangalore city, in the middle of september of year 2009. The cool city hugged me warmly.The city is located approximately 3000m above the sea level,so the environment is cool. The city baths in the rain nearly daily, as per my starting experience.
Initially, I was staying with my old (Chennai and Pune)friends at H.A.L. area. On the very first week-end only, I enjoyed a trip with my friends to a waterfall at Shivsamudram, on Bangalore-Mysore road.
Then shifted to a 1BHK flat and now staying with three old friends, in the same area.
I explored in the city for training, project,full time/part time job,home tuition.I was enjoying beauty of the Garden city, while traveling sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. I visited Sir Vishveshvarayya Technological Museum, on the Engineer's Day (15th Sept.). The museum is feast for our eyes really! There are many scientific moving objects,3D show,games ,books. The full scale model of Wright brother's aeroplane, caused my fingers to put in my mouth!
The city is having a mammoth traffic, but gearing up for Metro train now.The people can understand National (Hindi) language.(which was main problem I have faced in Chennai city before.)
Before coming here,I was totally innocent about professional and corporate life after academics. The graph of living cost is steeper in this city as compared to Chennai. I am learning to cook my food with daily new experiments.

As like Chennai, I am enjoying to visit Maharashtra Mandal here also.I laughed a lot, while watching a live-drama "Olakh Na Palakh" of Prashant Damle. There was Jallosh-2009 program, where marathi-youngsters rocked the stage, with marathi celebrities Atul Parachure and Pushkar Shrotri.
Old friends, daily new experience, eye-soothing gardens and romantic climate... My mind started to fall in love with the gorgeous capital of Karnataka State (India).


  1. gr8....hav a good time there!!!!!!!

  2. चेन्नईचं बोट सोडून बेंगळूरु च्या अंगणात आल्यावर या जगप्रसिद्ध गार्डन सिटीच्या प्रेमात आपण न पडता तरच नवल! भौगोलिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक आणि हो साहित्यिकही असे या महानगरीचं कौतुकानं केलेलं वर्णन आपल्या चेन्नईच्या ब्लॉगची आठवण करून
    नवखी सासुरवशीण माहेरच्या रम्य व प्रेमळ स्मृती जपत सासरचा उम्बरठा ओलांडताना तिथल्या आश्वासक आणि आपुलकीच्या वातावरणामुळे जशी हरखून जाते तो भाव मला ब्लॉग वाचताना जाणवला.याचं कारण कदाचित,कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत कुठल्याही स्थळी समरसून जाण्याची आपली तारुण्यसुलभ धाडसी आणि आस्वादक वृत्ती हे असावं.
    बाकी,एखाद्या स्थळाचं चित्र उभं करताना जी मनोवेधक आणि वाचकांच्या मनाची पकड घेणारी लेखनशैली हवी ती कमावण्याकडे विशेष लक्ष द्यावे. Go ahead...All the best!!
